This tutorial really helped me when I was learning how to use the engine, Additionally, boats and ships cannot travel through tiles in this block. You can create a group pattern by placing two tiles horizontally, and animate them by placing 3 vertically in a row. By placing 3 autotile basic patterns horizontally in a row, it is possible to animate them. Additionally, boats and ships cannot travel through tiles in this block.Īutotiles used as water tiles. Tiles in Block A will automatically complete the transparent color of this block. Moreover, boats cannot travel through tiles in this block.Īutotiles which decorate ocean tiles in Block A. Just like Block A, by placing 3 autotile basic patterns horizontally in a row, it is possible to animate them. Boundaries for ocean tiles will be created only when tiles in this block touch tiles in part 1. By placing 3 autotile basic patterns horizontally in a row, it is possible to animate them.Īutotiles used as deep ocean tiles. Here's the part on animating A tiles:Īutotiles used as ocean tiles. If you go to the help file for MV, there's an entire section explaining how to set up tilesets.